Notice how the HEX number for a color is the combined 3 colors for the red, green, and blue components, all run together! For example, Blue, being zero red, zero green, and blue, is written as 00,00,, all run together and written in hex as: 0xff. Many of the tools that we will use have builtin Color pickers.
Here is one possible web page. There are many more. Green The Perecentage of Green in the Color. Blue The Perecentage of Blue in the Color. Yellow The Perecentage of Yellow in the Color. Cyan The Perecentage of Cyan in the Color. Magenta The Perecentage of Magenta in the Color. Black The Perecentage of Black in the Color.
Sweetspot The sweet spot groups the original color and five complimentary colors. White Background. Black Background. Tritanopia S-cone absent Men: 0. Protanomaly L-cone defect Men: 1. Deuteranomaly M-cone defect Men: 5. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog.
Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete? Podcast Do polyglots have an edge when it comes to mastering programming Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Shades work well for link hover effects, or as footer and header backgrounds. Color tints are made by adding white to a color, resulting in increasingly lighter versions.
Tints can also be used for CSS hover effects, and perform nicely as modal backgrounds. Tones are created by adding gray to a color, and produces an almost endless variety of colors depending on what level of gray is used. Less common in web design, tones could be useful for typographic elements like comments, quotes or highlights.
Export palette.