When you graduate high school, you may feel like you can do anything. But, finishing school and deciding what to do with your life can be overwhelming. School is not for everyone. Continuous learning, taking tests, studying, homework, the lectures can be too much. When deciding whether to retire, there are many factors to consider: financial, practical, emotional, and even spiritual. Have you ever wondered if your job is right for you?
Are you passionate about what you do? A GoToQuiz original that answers the question, " when will I die? If you notice any glitches or visual bugs while browsing GoToQuiz, please report them! Your feedback is helpful! What you will be when you grow up Everybody wonders; what am i good at? Created by: lois. Related Quizzes: Which surgical profession should you pursue? Trending Quizzes Which Robin are you from the Batman comics?
But now you have a bit of adulting to do. Like, think about your future and what you want to do for the rest of your life. No pressure, right? Hey, we get it: Especially at a young age, it can be really hard to figure out what type of job will lend itself to a happy career. Who knows? So, instead of struggling with the "What should I be when I grow up" question, take our short quiz below to help you determine what kind of job is right for you.
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