In all those years, not once did I imagine myself to address the future honor students like you. But I am here. You are here because you burned your midnight candles; because you turned down an invitation to party just to study; because you closed your Facebook and Instagram accounts to lessen distractions on midterms and finals.
Perhaps some of you might even feel like you are just lucky. You could be right, but you should know that even good luck follows the one who is prepared.
I am now lawyer, because I worked hard and studied hard, just like you. Success, then, is within our reach. The formula to success is no secret — work hard, preserve, and you will get there. You are a testament to that, which makes all of you young achievers. The challenge with being young, however, is the lack of experience: it sometimes distorts our notion of reality, and it makes us dread and worry about occasional failure and defeat.
Achievement is commendable, but the young achiever must be ready to win some and lose some; to persevere through obstacles to keep the momentum going. All of us — no matter how academically gifted — will go through some form of struggle or stumbling block. I say this with conviction because I am surrounded by friends who are proud recipients of university honors — but all of whom were humbled by challenges they encountered in life.
Since some of you will soon be joining the workforce in a few months, and many more in just a couple of years, let me share with you an experience involving one of my friends, a recipient of university honors from 5 or 6 years ago, who is now working abroad.
She feels so strongly about coming home despite earning well and being trusted enormously in the institution she is in. I comforted her in our brief exchange of messages, as I said:. People who have been true to themselves and have mustered courage to leave, will know that it takes even more courage to come home.
Have faith in those who have experienced life and those who have gone through struggles, because they are the ones who will acknowledge that coming home is not to abandon the dream, but to live the dream that you dreamed of while you were away.
She told me she cried knowing that someone understood her situation. So just in case, be prepared. I know how it feels, because I have had my own set of emotional drawbacks. As a child, I always wanted to become a lawyer. We have always prepared the Capture but now, in these moments of post-crisis, the effort must be greater. Now, the triumph is more difficult because the situation has changed a lot regarding the start dates of the Crisis first week of August Now, the Victory before the Capture, demands a much better Preparation.
Even in cases where the owner comes to leave the property, all the above things have to be at hand - in the head - of the collector. We will insist on this matter. Catulo was right. And although poetry is a forgotten tool in the sale, you see, the saying of the Roman poet, can not be more current and necessary. These are the things that have been haunting you and holding you back from the success you know you can have. Next, pull out 3 index cards or sticky notes.
On each card write an item from your list on one side and the steps necessary to come to a decision or implement whatever the item is, on the other side. Yes, you could come up with a lot more details, but the point here is to keep it simple. This step should only take three minutes per card. Your final step is to pick the one card that has the simplest project or decision on it.
Then, get off the sideline and get to it! Make it a goal to get the first step on that card done in the next 48 hours.