What do joint compressions do

If you reach your arm backward will you hit the wall? This information allows us to safely interact with the world around us without tripping or bumping into things Children with difficulties with proprioception may appear to be uncoordinated or often run into other objects or people Some children with proprioception challenges may seek additional sensory input by crashing into items or seeking hugs or squeezes.

Animal walks Wheelbarrow walks Crawling through tunnels, over cushions, up a ladder, etc. Bear hugs The important thing is finding the technique that works best for your child! FREE Information Packet Contact our office to request free information about Chicago Occupational Therapy including significant details about our program, team members, and more. Proprioception refers to having a sense of where your body is in space.

How do you know if your child has issues with proprioception? If a child experiences issues with proprioception, they will appear clumsy or uncoordinated, as they do not have a sense of where their body is in relation to other people or objects. This may mean that they experience frequent collisions with these people or objects. It is also possible for children with proprioception issues to exhibit sensory-seeking behaviors to receive additional sensory input.

This may look like running into walls or frequently chewing on pencils or crayons. How can a therapeutic preschool program help? If a child has autism or sensory issues, they may benefit from a therapeutic preschool program, which places on an emphasis on key developmental skills, including proprioception.

You may love digging your feet in the sand, but to your child, the same sand on their toes could feel like razor blades. Then squeeze firmly and push your hands together towards the joint and then back out. Step 2: Repeat this back and forth quickly while maintaining the firm pressure for up to 20 times. I usually do 10 squeezes and count quickly see the video below. Step 3: Move to other joints, repeating the same repetitions of squeezing.

It works most fluidly if you can move to the next closest joint. Since we started at the wrist, although you can choose any starting point, I would continue to the elbow, then the shoulders.

Other joints to use joint compressions are the hip, knee, and ankle. Joint compressions can be a helpful tool to have in your bag of tricks when your child is getting overwhelmed, not listening, or running wild. The key is to know what sensory activities will help your child! That way your child gets their sensory needs met, which means they can overcome the sensory challenges that usually get in their way. Things like poor attention, difficulty sleeping, communicating with peers, and learning!

To learn 3 expert secrets to calm and focus your child with sensory activities, grab a seat in my free workshop. Click here to grab a seat now! She has over 15 years experience with expertise in sensory processing and feeding development in babies, toddlers, and children. Alisha also has 3 boys of her own at home. Learn more about her here. Your boy in the video seems to think that it tickles Thanks for reaching out! Each child responds to feeling ticklish differently, for some that feeling can feel almost painful and in that case it would be best to take a break.

I hope that helps! Hi Alisha, I am an Early interventionist working with toddlers who are often sensory seeking and have difficulty with self-regulation. I was wondering what your thoughts are on using a single joint compression held for a count of 10 about 8 seconds vs.

Is there any data comparing the two or any negatives of using a single compression style? Thank You! I am thinking maybe ANY joint compressions release neurotransmitters that affect the sensory system the same way throughout overall calming versus at the muscular level, there is a different effect which may excite or inhibit the muscle, but not so much the whole sensory system???

Yes, any joint compression will provide the release. Best, Desiree.


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