ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone which regulates the adrenal glands. TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone which regulates the thyroid gland. ADH antidiuretic hormone is actually produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary gland; it increases absorption of water by the kidneys.
It also increases blood pressure. Oxytocin to contract the uterus during childbirth and stimulate the release of milk during breastfeeding. In some cases Sometimes there is overproduction of one hormone by a pituitary tumor and underproduction of another at the same time due to pressure. Sometimes excess cerebrospinal fluid can fill the space around the pituitary gland and compress it resulting in empty sella syndrome Empty Sella Syndrome In empty sella syndrome, the sella turcica the bony structure at the base of the brain that houses the pituitary gland fills with cerebrospinal fluid, partially or completely compressing the The pressure may cause the pituitary to overproduce or underproduce hormones.
Acromegaly or gigantism Gigantism and Acromegaly Overproduction of growth hormone causes excessive growth. In children, the condition is called gigantism. In adults, it is called acromegaly. Excessive growth hormone is almost always caused Cushing disease Cushing Syndrome In Cushing syndrome, the level of corticosteroids is excessive, usually due to taking corticosteroid drugs or overproduction by the adrenal glands. Cushing syndrome usually results from taking Galactorrhea Galactorrhea Galactorrhea is the production of breast milk in men or in women who are not breastfeeding.
The most common cause of galactorrhea is overproduction of the hormone prolactin hyperprolactinemia Erectile dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction ED Erectile dysfunction ED is the inability to attain or sustain an erection satisfactory for sexual intercourse. See also Overview of Sexual Dysfunction in Men.
Every man occasionally has Infertility Overview of Infertility Infertility is usually defined as the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after repeated intercourse without contraception for 1 year. Frequent intercourse without birth control usually Central diabetes insipidus Central Diabetes Insipidus Central diabetes insipidus is a lack of the hormone vasopressin antidiuretic hormone that causes excessive production of very dilute urine polyuria.
Central diabetes insipidus has several Hypopituitarism Hypopituitarism Hypopituitarism is an underactive pituitary gland that results in deficiency of one or more pituitary hormones. Symptoms of hypopituitarism depend on what hormone is deficient and may include Doctors can diagnose pituitary gland malfunction using several tests. Imaging tests, such as a computed tomography CT or magnetic resonance imaging MRI , can show whether the pituitary has enlarged for example, if a pituitary tumor Enlargement of the Pituitary Gland Enlargement of the pituitary gland is usually due to a tumor but may be due to bleeding into the gland or involvement by some other disease, such as tuberculosis or sarcoidosis.
Such tests can usually determine whether a tumor exists in the gland. Doctors can measure the levels of pituitary hormones, usually by a simple blood test. Doctors select which pituitary hormone levels they want to measure depending on the person's symptoms. Sometimes, levels of pituitary hormones are not easy to interpret because the levels vary greatly during the day and according to the body's needs. For these hormones, measuring a random blood sample does not provide useful information.
For some of those hormones, doctors give a substance that would normally affect hormone production and then they measure the level of the hormone. For example, if a doctor injects insulin , the levels of ACTH , growth hormone, and prolactin should increase.
Rather than measuring growth hormone levels directly, doctors often measure another hormone, insulin -like growth factor 1 IGF Growth hormone is produced in bursts and its levels quickly fall, but IGF-1 levels reflect the overall daily production of growth hormone.
For all of these reasons, interpreting the results of blood tests for pituitary hormones is complex. Most radiotherapy is accomplished over several weeks with an initial visit to have an individual mask made which guides the radiotherapist accurately to where the X-rays will be focussed.
Radiotherapy can also be given in a focused beam e. These drugs may be used to reduce the levels of a hormone that your pituitary is overproducing, or to replace a hormone that your pituitary is under producing. These check-ups enable the specialist to monitor your condition and pick up any changes as soon as possible. In most patients their condition remains stable after initial treatment s.
Regrowth of a pituitary tumour can occasionally occur if it was not possible to remove the entire tumour during surgery.
The chance of this happening is lower if you had radiotherapy after your operation. If regrowth does occur, you may need another operation, or radiotherapy; all cases are individual and can vary. Information is vital for pituitary patients and we can't do this without you.
Your download is complete. You are here: Home Information What is the pituitary gland? What is the pituitary gland? What are hormones? Brain tumours vs Pituitary tumours What can go wrong? A guide to conditions Advice for living with a pituitary condition Pituitary patient stories - peer support Summary of Pituitary Gland symptoms What does the pituitary gland do? For more information about the pituitary gland and more, as well as educational resources, visit the Society for Endocrinology's 'You and Your Hormones' website The hypothalamus The hypothalamus, which controls the pituitary by sending messages, is situated immediately above the pituitary gland.
What can go wrong with my pituitary gland?