This may be because you are being home educated, have completed your last year of school early or are engaged in an approved course or apprenticeship. A parent of a child who does not ensure that the child is enrolled in an education programme for each year of the compulsory education period for that child may be prosecuted. You can be excused from attending school on school days for health reasons, reasonable cause or for religious or cultural observance.
If the Principal is of the opinion that the reasons for your non-attendance are not genuine or insufficient, your lack of attendance can be referred to the Attendance Panel at the Department of Education, who can conduct an investigation which will involve you and your parents to try to improve your school attendance.
If you continue to be absent from school without a good reason, both you and your parents may be prosecuted. If you give the Attendance Officer false details or resist, hinder or obstruct the Attendance Officer you can be charged with an offence. School: Attendance. Do I have to go to school? But the city won't offer those frightened families an option for their children to learn remotely, raising the question of what will happen if they do not send their children to school.
That different approach could include contacting the Administration for Children's Services, or ACS, which investigates claims of abuse and neglect. Which is a very different thing, to deprive a child of an education. To that end, both the mayor and chancellor emphasized wanting to work with parents over the first few weeks of the school year to build their confidence in the system.
The mayor has long argued that last year, schools were safer than anywhere else children may go. Still, the delta variant is more transmissible, and the number of children infected with COVID has sharply risen around the nation.
State governments may withhold certain funds for schools that demonstrate low attendance rates, which makes an attendance officer's job vital to a school's bottom line. Attendance officers meet with teachers to identify which students require corrective action due to poor attendance. They meet with those students and their parents to discuss ways to improve attendance.
In states such as Michigan, an attendance officer has the authority of a deputy sheriff in the local school and can file a complaint when a student is consistently absent. Parents or a legal guardian of a child who is mentally or physically disabled are generally exempt from abiding by the mandatory school attendance law. Most states will also waive enforcement if a child under the age of 18 is employed full-time at the legal age required for his state or has obtained a high school equivalent education from an alternative school or homeschool program that abides by state laws and regulations.
Courts have also made special exemptions for a child who fears for his safety at school and for children whose religious beliefs are violated by subject areas taught in class. Though every state has a mandatory school attendance law, differences exist in the age range requirements. Fifteen states have an age range requirement of ages 6 to Another 12 states have an slightly higher age range of 7 to