Home » Chicken Breeds. Uses: Exhibition. Origin: Peking, China. Weight: Cock: g Max. Hen: g Max. Photo: Pekin Bantam owned by Mr. P ekin Bantams are true bantams, they have no large counterpart.
They were originally Cochin Bantams when they arrived in the UK, however they had no relationship to large Cochins and looked quite different. Around the rest of the World, Cochin Bantams are similar in appearance to the British Pekin Bantams although breed standards are slightly different.
The following books are available. Origin: Belgium. They usually hold their cushion of a tail higher than their single-combed head. This distinctive feature, along with feathering that is so dense that it obscures their bitty feet, are just some of the endearing qualities of the Pekin chicken.
Pekins are an ornamental breed. In some chicken circles, Pekins are considered the bantam of the equally-as-fluffy Cochin , another Chinese chicken. They are especially tame and docile if they are handled as chicks. Though that wealth of feathering is endearing, it is the source of pretty much the only drawback of owning a Pekin chicken as a pet.
Also, though you want to give every chicken a clean living space, free of mites and lice, this is even more important if you raise Pekins. A bird as small as this nearly demands to be a pet. Content to be petted and comfortable in the presence of people, these bantams may be the ideal starter breed for someone.
Bantam Chirping. Oct 3, 45 34 They are the same breed of chicken. Just named different in other countries. If u live in the U. Slight differences because they are held to different standards, they are still the same breed. Premium Feather Member. Aug 26, , , 2, Out to pasture. That's right. Whenever the UK posters mention a pekin, I always think they mean a duck.
Here it's a cochin. Post reply. Insert quotes…. Similar threads. Silkie x Cochin Bantam? Replies 3 Views Oct 20, MysteryChicken. Replies 28 Views Friday at AM JedJackson. What type of bantam Cochin? Replies 4 Views Oct 18, Quckalackin. What breed of Cochin is my roo?
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