What kind of side effects are attributed to abortion

Learn about its symptoms, risk factors, and diagnosis. The hormones released can also help with cramps, acne, and more. Learn how your body if effected by BC. The Court is hearin oral arguments regarding two cases…. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Bleeding after an abortion. Sex after an abortion. Side effects and complications.

After abortion care tips. After abortion birth control use. Tampons after abortion. Medically reviewed by Euna Chi, M. Abortion with Septic Shock. Pills, IUD, and More. This is normal and is usually nothing to worry about. The bleeding is usually similar to normal period bleeding. But you may also pass some small blood clots.

If you have a medical abortion, you may experience short-lived side effects from the medications, such as nausea and diarrhoea. These side effects usually stop within 3 days. You can also call the My Options support service on freephone They can tell you what to do if you have any of these symptoms.

If you have not had a period 4 weeks after your treatment, you should contact our support service on Most women will be fit and well enough to return to normal activities within 1 or 2 days. But everyone is different. You should rest until you feel able to return to your normal routine.

Back to Abortion. But like any medical treatment, there's a small risk that something could go wrong. The risk of complications increases the later in pregnancy an abortion is carried out. The risks are different depending on whether you have a medical abortion or surgical abortion, and how many weeks pregnant you are.

Serious complications occur in less than 1 out of early abortions and in about 1 out of every 50 later abortions. Complications may include:. There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in both emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years.


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