You don't spot him unless your looking straight at him in eagle vision. Hes at the very top left of the green area from where you start at, perched on the roof. Kill him with the hidden blade for full sync. Still having trouble spotting him. Will he be glowing in eagle vision? Is he on top of one of the broken rooftops? Any further help would be cool,thnx. I can't find him either. He's on a broken rooftop. This is super simple, just find the target and kill him.
There's a yellow area marked on your map and you can use eagle vision to pick out the target He runs away from you, sticking to the rooftops and making a hidden blade kill a bit difficulty. But if you want full synchronization you'll need to kill the target with the hidden blade so give chase and wait for your chance. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 7 Mar am. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account?
Sign up for free! Does Lanz ever show up? Lanz never shows up in the yellow target area, on top of buildings or on the ground. I walked around the whole area for almost half an hour with eagle vision on and couldn't find him. Is this just a glitch with my copy of the game, are other people having the same issue, or am I not doing something right i.
I searched top to bottom every building and corner in the target zone, but no, I never replayed the memory from the DNA menu. I'll try that, thanks. User Info: Alberic Nope, still can't find him, day or night. Trying to restart memory, but it hasn't helped so far. Thinking I'm either looking in the wrong place or i've hit a glitch of some kind.
There are only about rooftops in the green area, I've checked all of them and he's nowhere to be found. I thought he'd be at the one with the dead guy near the haystack looks like he was pushed off the roof , but he wasn't.
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