They can continue down a short hallway, and about halfway, there is a door to the main room where Matoya is. There are a few sentient brooms that sweep around Matoya's Cave, including one at the dead-end of the opening hallway. The walls in Matoya's Cave are purple.
The main room has are three treasure chests on the left side of the main room; the upper two each contain a potion , and the bottom chest contains an antidote.
Matoya is standing at the upper-center of the main room. There is also a chair and a small roundtable. Like other locations in Final Fantasy , Matoya's Cave received some gradual design changes, but its purpose is otherwise unchanged. Matoya's Cave. Treasures 4 Value 98 G. Rare HERB. Just be careful, because the ElfLand-area enemies are lurking near the entrance, and many of them are Poisonous.
Compare Matoya's Cave to other Maps. The name of the map, including both the general area and the specific floor or section. Welcome to Cornelia. Matoya and Pravoca. Elfheim is a Lame Name. The Marsh Cave is Endless. Exploring with the Mystic Key. Rally Ho at Mt. Melmond is a Dirty Little Town. Tceles Nottub Hsad. Matoya's brooms. Main article: Matoya's Cave theme. Final Fantasy setting. Dissidia Final Fantasy setting.
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