Thread: Silent crusade codex set. Silent crusade codex set Is this set impossible to finish for new chars now? I mean coco card has been gone for ages, and the so called "fix" just made it drop after you kill it, yet you get teleported out and theres no time to loot.
Re: Silent crusade codex set Nope, all the ones you listed are now impossible to get. Re: Silent crusade codex set Nope, and what sucks is the cards display the data for the old bosses instead of the new ones.
I don't get why Nexon's taking so long to fix it. Re: Silent crusade codex set Luckily the Leafre set is better than the silent crusade one anyways especially post-unlimited so you may as well focus on getting that one instead. I stream Gameplay on Twitch, come watch! If you enjoy the video please leave a like and a comment down below!
Please leave a like and An in-depth guide on the content available at each level. Last updated on Mar 31 Root Abyse allows you to obtain CRA gear Chaos Root Abyss set which is still featured in end-game setups despite the gear being released over We picked 45 of the best free games on offer right now, so you can Maplestory Reboot 2x Exp Coupon Overview.
I have put together this well structured Maplestory Reboot leveling guide which if you follow, you should easily level up in no time. It is not uncommon to see people in the fm free market asking how to set up shop and how to get it. In regard of the recent revelation of the loose use of terminology such as "random" and the false expectations and skepticism this has caused from the players in RNG systems in MapleStory, we, as a GMS community, expect the same level of transparency that KMS has recently come forth with, and therefore we would like to see: Tier up rates for cubes.
Starting at Henesys Ruins which is accessable via Temple of A new Developers' Note has been released, this time talking about specific parts of the MapleStory Reboot update! The first patch of this update will be released to the official server on June 25 and will include the character balancing which has been going on in the test servers so far. A Legion-eligible character is one that is at least level 60 and has completed the second job advancement.
Are you ready to step it up a notch? The brand-new Reboot world is getting added to MapleStory! If you had not completed the higher-level Arcane River regions' story quests, you cannot reduce the number of lower-level Arcane River regions' daily quests.
Can somebody link an up to date training guide or list one out here for me? Hey guys, I'm just cross-posting a guide I made a while back from reddit. You will also be able to access a lot of the quests in MapleStory by clicking on the Lightbulb icon on the left-hand side of the screen.
Link skills are the benefit of making more characters on your The in-game MapleStory Leveling guide gives a rundown of many zones by level and allows you to split second transport to them, in-case you are in level range or on the off chance that you have cleared the demands to get the Maple Guide Stamp.
What is this guide? This is a guide aimed at new and returning players who play on the Reboot server. It's very similar to the last test server patch but there are a few changes and I have also added the events which have begun!
Level - ; Level - the MapleStory knowledge base anyone can edit. Training Guides. Right now, the fastest way to level up at the start is to go through the 3 starting theme dungeons: Ellinel, Gold Beach, and Riena.
More posts from the Maplestory community. Please leave a like and Hey guys, I'm just cross-posting a guide I made a while back from reddit. New Maplestory Reboot Leveling guide March But still, it has created its presence in the gaming community.
You also enter on channel 14, so worlds with only 13 channels can not complete this expedition. So take that with a grain of salt.
You won't need to SF your gear or even use traces on them. To give you some gear and help you level, they are also running the Play V Reward event that allows you to get Meso, Cubes, and even a 12 Star Absolab Weapon! All these rewards can be obtained both in Reboot and Non-Reboot worlds. Super versatile class that always hovers around the top of the DPM charts. Cygnus Emblem. Discover Your Story!
Equip Level is rounded down to the nearest 10 levels. You can only send a link skill buff to one other character at a time and last until you link it to another character.
Nexon has always done a phenomenal job keeping MapleStory fresh. On the Reboot server, Maplestory is not pay-to-win, as everything associated with paying to win costs mesos. Current As of specific date Once you reach Lv. You need to go in some other place in the Forums to get more help, Game Guides are to help guide players not ask for guidance like that, go to Maplestory discussions. This new "rebooted" world features tougher enemies which yield better rewards, a new "Hyper Discover Your Story!
This is a guide designed for GMS only. MapleStory Inner Ability is a system that allows your characters to gain extra stats much like the Potential System. Featuring: node setup, legion setup, tips on skill usage, optimal IA, bossing videos, training videos, and an answer to the age-old "1-hand or 2-hand? Grand Level Robos. Maximum effect: 1 Pocket slot, 15 facial expressions unlocked. As for where to train, there are a ton of guides online and since they are always changing you should find what works for you.
The maplestory reboot leveling guide has been updated for You could not solitary going when book buildup or library or borrowing from your friends to read them. That equips not have the same stats. I dont know stats for the last medal but you must pay coins for upgrade it and have 12 upgrades.
That way well see Starling again!!! They could simply move the start for this chain of quests up to 12x and begin from there. For example:. Then proceed normally up until Akyrum. Fusing the plots would be the smarter decision though, so as to not waste the suspense of adding it as part of their GMS exclusive content patch with CtF. If tl;dr, then basically, they can either remove the old plot and replace it with the new one, or add the new one in to fit after the old one.
Max, those medals are given out by the Cross Hunter npcs, or what do you need to do to get them? I guess you also need coins? Thanks in advance. Do the Shadow Bosses like Shadow timer, shadow zeno and shadow deo replace their existing form of them? Question, if you play as an Aran, or Mercades, does that mean you save your past self? If so, do they give special texts for it? XD, IDK. I talked about it here and here. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.
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Notify me of new posts via email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address:. Inside, defeat the Skeleton Commander!
Enter the Mystic Gate beside her to fight Shadow Zeno. Go into the Mystic Gate and defeat Evil Centipede! However, it turns out that was just a clone… You report back to Gerekter and tell him everything. Like this: Like Loading Categories: KMS Tags: black mage.
Comments 31 Trackbacks 1 Leave a comment Trackback. This looks way better then in GMS. A big difference with the history and exchange items. Thanks for the guide! You forgot JMS??? You can even teleport to a town that you have not yet visited. Excluding maps that are restricted from teleporting into, up to c13 maps can be registered. Description: Warps you to your desired location on the World Map upon use. Just select your destination when the World Map appears.
Warping only works in certain areas. Description: A rock that can memorize 5 maps, and then allow you to cteleport to the memorized maps at any time. Description: cResets all stats on an item except for its potential. Can only be used on equipment. If used on an item that grows, the item may reset to its pre-growth state. Description: A magic ward that protects a scroll when it fails.
The protection effect disappears even after a successful scroll use. Description: A Miraclulous cube that resets the potential stat of equipment. Description: An enchanted crystalline scale. Double-click on the scale to place the weight. Description: This enchanted pearl lets an cElf become chuman. Double-click it in the Cash Shop for a cpreview! Description: Choose the buff skill you want from the Skill window and drag it to the bottom of the Pet Equip tab.
Cannot be used on certain skills. Description: A fat, juicy rib that cPink Bean just goes crazy for. Recovers Fullness completely and cincreases Closeness by Max pieces in one slot: Cash Item. Description: A crunchy sweet potato and salmon cookie for the Corgi Pup. Description: Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Panda, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
Max pieces in one slot: 16 Cash Item. Description: This box will give you one random Equip item. Description: A box imbued with mysterious powers. Description: Access the cGeneral Store from anywhere! This item lets you purchase potions, stock up on stars or bullets, and just generally get your shop on. Description: Access the Storage Keeper from almost anywhere! Drop off that precious loot without having to leave the filed. Description: Double-click to exchange for a Buffalo Day Coupon.
Description: Double-click to exchange for a Tent Chair. Description: Double-click to exchange for 50 Power Elixirs. Description: Double-click to exchange for a Pendant of the Spirit Day. Description: c?? Description: Double-click to exchange it for a Emo Piglet Chair. Description: 70?? Description: c???? Sold For 1 Quest Item. Description: A wooden relic, covered in sea moss. A strange emblem is inscribed on one side. Description: A small package from J.
Description: A pouch with Feather Plants. Description: A Feather Plant pouch from Ickart. Description: Cart Bear meat. It seems to increase stamina. Description: An emblem carried by the Black Wings. Description: A jewel embued with the power of awakening. Quest Item. Description: A jewel embued with the power of awakening and memory. Description: A jewel that can awaken up the subconscious.
Description: A very sour orange. Yuris needs this. Description: A sharp, solid tusk from Chao. A major step up for pointy tusks. Description: A rock full of the energy of Ellin Forest. Description: Some seriously sinister jelly.
Description: If evil had a physical form, this would be it. Description: A small jewel that signifies followers of the Black Mage. Description: Full to the brim with Spirits of Light. Shinsoo can use these spirits to create the Lambent Essence. Description: A soul so stained by evil that it exudes a constant stream of unmentionable swear words.
Description: A symbol of great force among the dragons that can be obtained from monsters in Leafre and the Dragon Forest. Description: This jelly is letting off some incredibly bad vibes. Sold For Max pieces in one slot: Description: These look positively ancient. Description: These wings have a bright green glow. Description: A beautiful red Maple Leaf. Cassandra exchanges these Maple Leaves for Maple Coins. Sold For 1 Max pieces in one slot: Obtained by clearing one area of Mu Lung Dojo.
Take it to So Gong to exchange it for a belt. Sold For 1 Max pieces in one slot: Untradable. Description: Spiegelmann gave this autograph to those who missed out on the Monster Carnival.
See if collecting 10 gets you anything… Sold For 1 Max pieces in one slot: Description: A coin purse with 8 slots. It holds all types of coins. Sold For 0 Max pieces in one slot: 1 Untradable. Description: A special coin used to buy Silent Crusade items.
Description: A special sporty coin that can be exchanged for equipment and scrolls from Inkwell. Description: A gem that can be obtained from monsters. Use it on the cCrystal Scale to see the secret items within. Description: Record your memories from Legends, and make them last forever! By receiving and completing a Making Memories event once a day, your memories will be automatically recorded. Double-click to check. Description: A guide that has all the commands for Pink Bean. Sold For Max pieces in one slot: 1.
Description: A guide to all the commands your Corgi Pup can learn. Description: A title you obtained by completing the Making Memories events during the winter of Legends! Description: A title obtained by completing all of the Legendary Memories quests. Consider this one step higher than Legendary.
Description: A title for newbies. Newbies need titles, too! Description: A title for Maplers who advance by leaps and bounds. Description: A title obtained by logging in during the Moon Festival event. Nothing like the pale full moon on a clear night! Description: A title obtained by logging in on three days during the Moon Festival event. May you enjoy happiness and properity under the full moon! Description: A title obtained by logging in on seven days during the Moon Festival event.
Wish upon the full moon, and you might just get your wish! Description: A title obtained on the first day of helping Cassandra looking for her first love. Description: A title given to the rescuers of the little, lost Miwok Boys. This symbolizes the eternal gratitude of the tribe.
Description: A heaping helping of mochi ice cream for you to relax in. Recovers 30 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds while resting. Description: A cuddly Pink Bean you can sit on.
Recovers 60 HP every 10 seconds. Description: A chair to commemorate Sports Day. Recovers 35 HP and 10 MP every 10 seconds. Description: A yummy roasted turkey you remember enjoying during Thanksgiving. Sold For 0 Quest Item. Description: A Maple Leaf that pulsates with a golden aura. Description: Sold For 0 Quest Item. Description: A good looking monkey doll. If you look closely, you might think that this monkey looks like a celebrity.
Description: A commemorative stamp that was made with the support of many Maplers. Description: A crystal of stars that only have filled with the memory of blue stars that exist in the outer space. Description: A dirty piece of trash. You should pick it up to keep this Maple World a cleaner place! Just wash your hands afterwards. Description: An old and faded photograph of someone. Description: An old and worn out hankerchief. Description: An old and dusty pendant. Have this in your Set-up window for 30 minutes to get results.
Description: A Love Detector that has turned something up. Take this to Gaga and show him the results. Collect 30 and deliver them to Moon Bunny by clicking on the Event Notifier at the left side of the screen. Description: An empty glass bottle that can hold moonlight. Hold it for 30 minutes and then close it. Description: You closed the bottle after 30 minutes just like Gaga told you.
Do you see moonlight in the bottle? Well, deliver it to Gaga anyway. Description: A timer Cassandra gave you. The display appears to be broken. Better keep it for 1 hour anyways. It shows 60 min. Description: A broken piece of a crayon obtained from the Monster Park.
You might be able to combine it more pieces to make a working crayon. Description: A broken piece of a crayon obtained from a Party Quest.