The user targets enemy in the front, inflict paralysis on them if possible. This move is affected by Magic Coat and Taunt. Pikachu uses Thunder Wave as its custom neutral special 2, replacing Thunder Jolt. Thunder Wave does less damage than Thunder Jolt, but it leaves the opponent stunned for a short period of time. Page actions Article Discussion View source History. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times.
Super Contests. Contest Spectaculars. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Battles Type Electric.
Target Foe. May affect anyone adjacent to the user. Availability Introduced Generation I. Contests Condition Cool. Super Contests Condition Cool.
Prevents the Voltage from going down in the same turn. Contest Spectaculars Condition Cool. Games Description Stad. A special move that causes paralysis. When paralyzed, the victim has a one-in-four chance of immobility.
FR LG. Raichu Alolan Form. Water 1. Water 2. Geodude Alolan Form. Graveler Alolan Form. Golem Alolan Form. Slowpoke Galarian Form. Slowbro Galarian Form. Water 3. Mime Galarian Form. Slowking Galarian Form. Zigzagoon Galarian Form. Linoone Galarian Form. Mime Jr. Stunfisk Galarian Form. Meowstic Male. Meowstic Female. Hoopa Confined. Hoopa Unbound. Type: Null. Tapu Koko. Necrozma Dusk Mane. Necrozma Dawn Wings. Toxtricity Amped Form. Toxtricity Low Key Form.
Deoxys Normal Forme. Deoxys Attack Forme. See comments. Gaming deals, prizes and latest news. Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands. Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors.
You will receive a verification email shortly. There was a problem. A weak electric charge is launched at the target. Sound-Type - Details.
Punch Move - Details. Grounded by Gravity? Static Lightningrod - HA. Static Vital Spirit - HA. Pressure Lightningrod - HA. Inner Focus Multiscale - HA. Static Plus - HA. Static Lightningrod Minus - HA. Compoundeyes Unnerve Swarm - HA. Run Away Guts. Cute Charm Magic Guard. Synchronize Inner Focus.
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Volt Absorb Illuminate. Hustle Serene Grace. Synchronize Early Bird.