Some people with this condition experience pain that slowly worsens over several days. According to the American Urological Association , testicular torsion typically occurs on the left side more than the right. Treatment involves surgery to correct the testicular twisting. In rare cases, if a surgeon cannot repair the torsion, they may remove the testicle. A testicular tumor can cause pain and swelling in the testicular area.
Other symptoms may include:. Symptoms of a testicular tumor can resemble several other conditions that affect males, such as inguinal hernias and epididymitis. A doctor can help diagnose the tumor or other underlying condition. A blow to the testicles can cause bruising, pain, and swelling. A testicle can also rupture or develop a hematocele.
A hematocele occurs when blood pools around the testicle and presses on it, affecting blood flow. If a person has experienced a blow to the testicles and is experiencing pain and swelling, it is best to seek urgent medical attention. Varicoceles are abnormally large or twisted veins in the testicles. Sometimes, varicoceles do not cause any symptoms. When they do, a person may notice testicular pain that gets worse with physical activity or over the day.
Anyone with symptoms of testicular torsion should seek emergency medical attention. Without treatment, any condition that affects blood flow could result in loss of the testicle or surrounding parts. If a person experiences swelling or pain in one or both testicles, it is best to see a doctor. If the pain is causing nausea and vomiting, they should seek immediate medical attention. In cases of testicular torsion, the sooner a person seeks help, the more likely they can receive prompt attention to restore blood flow.
Hand massage devices may help relieve pain and improve flexibility. Learn more here. A new study showed that virtual reality-guided breathing led to a similar increase in the ability to withstand pain as traditional mindful breathing. A burning sensation can occur anywhere in the body. Please try again. Something went wrong on our side, please try again. Show references Eyre RC. Evaluation of acute scrotal pain in adults.
Accessed Sept. Scrotal pain. Merck Manual Professional Version. Belanger GV, et al. Diagnosis and surgical management of male pelvic, inguinal, and testicular pain. The Surgical Clinics of North America. The clinical findings in young adults with acute scrotal pain.
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Scrotal pain child. Mayo Clinic; Recommendations for prevention and control of influenza in children, Sullivan JE, et al. The left side may be a grade 2 or 3 varicocele with the right side a grade 1. There are three basic surgical treatment options for varicocele and one minimally invasive option. While embolization can be done on an outpatient basis, men who undergo a surgical procedure to treat their varicocele may be required to stay overnight in the hospital.
An embolization procedure takes around 1 hour, but surgery takes around 4 hours. Sexual activity is limited for 1 — 2 weeks for embolization patients, whereas surgical patients are advised to wait up to 4 weeks post procedure. For those with bilateral varicocele, a huge advantage to embolization is that it allows men to have both sides repaired during the same procedure, through one puncture site.
Most often, varicocele treatment immediately ends pain in the testicles. At some point in life, many men experience pain or discomfort in either one or both testicles.